ELA Math Social Studies ArtArt Work
*Engagement level is used to roughly identify the duration of engagement that a lesson or activity might consume. Actual durations are dependent upon a how a teacher designs or implements an activity.
The Problem We All Live With
Grades 5-8
The Problem We All Live With
Grades 9-12
The Problem We All Live With
Grades 2-4
Close Reading of The Problem We All Live With
Grades 9-12
Close Reading of The Problem We All Live With
Grades 6-8
Civil Rights Book Basket
Grades 6-8
Close Reading of The Problem We All Live With
Grades 3-5
The Problem We All Live With: Close Reading of Illustration
Grades K-2
Civil Rights Movement Book Basket
Grades 3-5
Drawing a Baby Dragon using Letters and Numbers with Jeff Mack
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Sledding - Week of 12/7/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: The Unity Project (week of 11/30/2020)
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Freedom From Want - Week of 11/23/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: America at the Polls, A Sequential Story - Week of 11/16/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Homecoming Soldier (week of November 9, 2020)
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Compassion and Care - Weeks of 5/18/2020-5/25/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Heroes - Week of 4/13/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Womanpower- Weeks of 5/4/2020-5/11/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Journeys - Week of 4/20/2020
Grades K-6
Quick Pics: Animals - Week of 4/20/2020
Grades K-6
Reimagining the Four Freedoms
Grades 6-8
Freedom from Want: What Does Freedom from Want Look Like to You?
Grades K-2
Golden Rule Poetry Anthology
Grades 6-8
Close Reading of the Four Freedoms
Grades 6-8
The Golden Rule
Grades K-4
A Visual Exploration of the Four Freedoms
Grades 9-12
A Visual Exploration of the Four Freedoms
Grades 5-8
A Visual Exploration of the Four Freedoms
Grades 2-4
A Visual Exploration of the Four Freedoms
Grades K-1
Inspiration: Norman Rockwell and You
Grades 9-12
Inspiration: Norman Rockwell and You
Grades 5-8
Inspiration: Norman Rockwell and You
Grades 2-4
Inspiration: Norman Rockwell and You
Grades K-1
Meet Norman Rockwell, American Illustrator
Grades 9-12
Meet Norman Rockwell, American Illustrator
Grades 5-8
Meet Norman Rockwell, American Illustrator
Grades 2-4
Meet Norman Rockwell, American Illustrator
Grades K-1
Travels With Charlie: In Search of America Book Club
Grades 9-12
Golden Rule Poetry Anthology
Grades 9-12
A Look at Rationing During World War II
Grades 9-12
World War II Book Club
Grades 9-12
Freedom Essay
Grades 9-12
Close Reading of the Four Freedoms Illustrations
Grades 9-12
Close Reading of the Golden Rule
Grades 9-12
Community Meetings
Grades 9-12
World War II Book Basket
Grades 6-8
Holding Community Meetings
Grades 6-8
Freedom from Want: A Look at Rationing during World War II
Grades 6-8
Close Reading of the Golden Rule
Grades 6-8
Read Aloud Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges
Grades 3-5
Freedom from Want: Reimagine this Illustration
Grades 3-5
Close Reading of the Golden Rule
Grades 3-5
Freedom from Want: Budgeting our Money
Grades 3-5
Freedom from Fear: What do you worry about?
Grades 3-5
World War II Text Basket
Grades 3-5
Close Reading of the Four Freedom Illustration
Grades 3-5
Golden Rule: A Personal Reflection
Grades 3-5
Freedom of Speech: Establishing a Foundation for Class Meetings, Sharing and Presentations
Grades 3-5
What is The Golden Rule?
Grades K-2
Read Aloud: The Story of Ruby Bridges By Robert Coles
Grades k-2
Read Aloud: Ruby Bridges Goes to School By Ruby Bridges
Grades K-2
Close Reading of the Golden Rule
Grades K-2
Freedom of Worship: What are Your Family Beliefs or Traditions?
Grades K-2
Freedom of Speech: Establishing a Foundation for Class Meetings
Grades K-2
Freedom from Want: Differentiating Between Needs and Wants Today
Grades K-2
Freedom from Fear: What Do You Worry About?
Grades K-2
Close Reading of the Four Freedom Illustrations
Grades K-2
Visit the Exhibit: Rockwell, Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms
Grades 9-12
Visit the Exhibit: Enduring Freedoms: Rockwell, Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms
Grades 5-8
Visit the Exhibit- Enduring Ideals: Rockwell, Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms
Grades K-4
Freedom of Speech: Faith Ringgold
Grades 5-8
The Golden Rule
Grades 9-12
The Golden Rule
Grades 5-8
Freedom of Worship: What are Your Family Beliefs or Traditions?
Grades 3-5